If your home heating bills have been raising your eyebrows this year, you’re not alone. Many people have been impacted by rising energy prices and are looking for ways to save.
Will Turning Down My Thermostat Lower My Heating Bill?
Yes, but not as much as you think. Typically you save approximately 1% off your bill for every degree you turn down your thermostat and keep it down for eight hours. This can quickly lead to you being frigid and uncomfortable in your home without saving much money.
If you’re not in a position to upgrade your home heating system, or are ultimately still happy with its performance (just not the cost you’re seeing at the end of the month), here are some things you can do to potentially save on your heating bill for free.
1. Place Draft Stoppers
While stores like HomeGoods might sell draft stoppers, the truth is that any old towel or blanket can be rolled up and function as a draft stopper.
Place draft stoppers in or around any door or window that won’t be frequently opened in the winter. This helps seal any of the minuscule cracks that might be letting heat slowly seep out of your home. Especially consider using draft stoppers on doors that lead to the outside or any uninsulated areas like the garage.
2. Close Off Unused Rooms
If there are rooms of your house that are frequently unused like a formal dining room, or guest bedroom you should close the doors and vents within these rooms. This will allow your heating system to heat the rooms of your home where you actually spend your time.
It’s a good idea to place draft stoppers on any windows within these rooms as well.
3. Reverse Your Ceiling Fan
If you have ceiling fans in your home they likely spin in both directions. You’ll want to make sure that you switch your fan to spin in a clockwise direction for winter.
A clockwise direction on low speed will lightly push hot air back down from the ceiling into your living space with minimal effect on your electric bill.
4. Hang Thick Curtains
If you already own them, make sure you’ve hung your thick curtains for the winter. Thicker curtains will help to keep both the heat in during the winter and your home cooler during the summer.
If you don’t own any thick curtains you can DIY some with any extra blankets or towels around the house.
5. Use Hot Water Bottles
If you notice your bedroom is cold at night, one old fashion way to keep warm is to fill up a hot water bottle and tuck it in at the foot of your bed. This will heat up the blankets and help keep your bed warm while you fall asleep.
Soft water bottles are likely best (and inexpensive), but even metal water bottles can work as long as they are watertight.
6. Layer Up
If you’re working from home and feeling cold remember you have access to your full closet. If you become cold during the day opt for an additional layer like a long sleeve overshirt or knit hat. You can always add or remove layers as needed as temperatures change throughout the workday.
Save to Upgrade and Save More
Ultimately, each of these tips is great in a pinch, but the truth is an inefficient or failing system will only worsen. At some point, no amount of little changes and life hacks are going to overcome the cost of operating a poor-performing heat source.
If you’ve deployed these tips and your system is still struggling to heat your home it’s best to call a professional for an evaluation. With new energy-efficient tax credits passed in 2023, a home HVAC upgrade is more affordable than ever.

If you believe your home HVAC system is failing and you’d like to explore your options for maintenance, repair, or even replacement, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to help you find a solution that fits your budget and keeps you warm all winter long for years to come.